I saw my grandfather the other day and couldn't take my eyes off of him. It might seem a little silly to anyone that knows me, because they would know that he passed away in 1991. But I saw him. He sat there in the passenger seat of the vehicle while I was in the backseat of the car behind the driver. Up in Pittsburgh last week vising my parents, I was being carted around in the backseat of their car like old times. Looking at the side view of my Dad, with his hair now gray and aged skin like any man at 76, I saw my grandfather. At that moment time stood still. I didn't want to move and sure didn't want my dad to move.
I remember being with my grandfather like it was yesterday. Seeing him show up for church with a mix matched shirt and tie, and always with the same hat that he wore day in and day out. He would work in our garden and talk of having the first red tomato in our town before July 4th every year. He would laugh when we told him he sounded like a time bomb because his pocket watch ticked so loud, though he couldn't hear it himself. He would take my dog fishing and come back with stories of Duke running around grabbing the hot dogs and cheese that people were using as fish bait. He would always say "that dog ate like a king today". lol
So I saw my grandfather the other day. It was so very nice to see him, but it was my dad that made me smile that day. For when he turned around I noticed that he too had mixed matched clothes on. I miss you Pop!