Monday, November 29, 2010


     I knew in an instant when I looked up at this artwork that it would work. In the little town of Sitka, this totem spoke my name. It was one that I knew would be needed to emerge from my dreams. Big dreams. :)

     I started at a young age awaking from those illusive dreams that seem to conquer my nights. Grasping at tidbits during daylight, I knew that in my dreams, life was intact. Feeling the strength of will, knowing the substance of purpose, I embraced it. Although, awakening exhibited reality had also shown completeness.
     Nonetheless, reality or dream? Sometimes it's hard to decipher, but I like to think my dreams are always part of my future. Why not?  
Needless to say, the totem stayed put.  :)

Friday, November 5, 2010


While walking the busy street of Galway in Ireland, I walked toward a man riding his bike with his dogs tagging along.  What stood out to me at first was the man's different look in nature.  He was older and very unique in his appearance.  He carried a look of knowledge but teetering on bizarre.  He had long hair that was matted and tied up in a bun on top of his head.  Clothes that resembled mismatched rags with a worn flair that screamed stylish. He had on his shoulder an expensive leather bag that seemed to be dated but stuffed with treasures I suppose. Not quite sure where he fit in, I knew that he caught my eye with his incomparable look.  He stopped outside a cafe and propped his old bike against the wall.  Out from the leather bag came a black rope that he attached to one on his dogs.  And then turning to the other dog, he proceeded to attach the other end.  Casually he walked in the cafe, sat down, pulled out a book and waited to order.  Huh?  Am I missing something?? His dogs stood there and looked at me.  What was holding them back from leaving?  Did they think they were actually tied to something solid?  My thoughts went from "that man IS crazy" to "maybe he really does have something quite right".  They seemed content, but alert.  Protective of each other or the man?  Free to leave...but then, why not just stay? I apparently had the wrong piece missing.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In pursuit of happiness...

In between the much needed rain yesterday, I went outside to check on the turtles to make sure they weren't in a flooding area.  Having found out this past spring that my turtles of 6-8 years were not both females, it has in fact made for an interesting time.  I will say they seemed happy of just doing their own thing before maturity set in .   But, the days when they each ignored the other have disappeared.  Separate food spots, swimming holes or sleeping quarters are now a thing of the past.  They play, chase and anything else you can think of to occupy their time.  :)  As their pursuit of happiness comes to play, I can't help but take pictures while smiling at their journey. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good and Sticky :)

As everything in life, there are those certain things that just makes me smile.  One being, caramel apples!  Gone are the days when giving apples at Halloween were the thing to do.  Now, it's only those certain few that can enjoy this luxury. So with sticky faces, these apples were devoured while more were requested.  Oh, to feel needed because of my caramel apples.  lol   :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


And then there was an afterthought.  Vividly.  As though it mattered in only that split second.  Pouring out to compensate the void.  Only coming to light when shaken.  Vividly.  Clearness that shows self.   Sharing to save face.  Engaging to keep peace.  Vividly.  Lost in the wake.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Did someone say strawberries? :)


How I love the sweet smell of strawberries!  In fact my first job at 14 was picking strawberries at a farm called Portmans.  I think it went 1 for them 2 for me!  :) 

What is it about this fruit with the zillion seeds attached to it that makes me smile when I see them amongst other fruit?  Could it be the green top hat setting upon it that makes the red stand out as appetizing pleasure?  lol  I will say that I still love eating them.  And for that matter, canning them!  Last week I put up18 jars of jam. Yum and yum again.  :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Tucked in the northern mountains of Georgia off the Appalachian Trail, there is a little German town called Helen.  I arrived at this town a couple weeks ago by foot after hiking four miles down the mountain from camp.  To my surprise there was a pub called Old Heidelberg.
Having been raised in a little borough called Heidelberg, I found myself heading towards this place. That very sign brought back thoughts of how I made hard choices long ago to get myself out of that little old Heidelberg town.  I wanted change and challenges and I had definitely found both, sometimes willingly sometimes not.
But as I walked through the door with a smile on my face, I knew some things don't change when a mere name takes you back to the good ole days.  Days and people that I could never forget that left an imprint on my life.
After ordering some red wine and raising my glass to the place, I found my way back to the path and up the mountain.  Of course that smile was still there.  :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


lend me your eyes
I will change what you see

Monday, April 5, 2010

What we notice

The perfect egg. Or not?  It looks nice in color, shape, and is photogenic.  It acquired it's color outside amongst the birds chirping in the trees while surrounded by the warmth of spring air.  But looking at the egg at that moment as I grabbed my camera, a chuckle went through my head.  What I saw was the caption on the mug.  It was dug out of the cupboard to be used for this project and hasn't held liquid in quite awhile.  Little does the picture show that those eggs were forgotten on the stove and boiled beyond done.  The egg white showed itself as brown instead of bright white.  Yes, they burned.  Who does that?  Didn't even know you COULD do that! Sure we can still dye them, who would know?!  As the wire rack sat on the table with eggs, spoons and willing participants, I heard the tea pot whistle.  "Waters ready" I exclaimed.  Gingerly going inside, I rummaged through my pantry for vinegar.  No vinegar?!  Ugh  Then I spotted the white wine cooking vinegar.  Could it work I thought?  Who would know!  
It was at that moment the chuckle began rising inside of me as I heard "what's that smell?".  :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Morning sunshine :)

Popping out yesterday from hibernation, one of my turtles blinked as the sunlight danced on her face. How excited I was to see them, knowing they were submerged under ice this winter longer than expected.  I smiled at the simplicity of this event but wondered how life looked at that moment through the eyes of a turtle after 4 1/2 months of sleeping.  I didn't see any excitement there nor smile, but I assume they were ready to start anew and look for that first taste of spring bugs.  Good morning sunshine, welcome back.   :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dolphin surprise

Is it just me or my boat logo that seem to attract dolphins, and alligators if your asking. :) Last year I almost capsized as a dolphin caught me by surprise and jumped in the water two inches from the bow of my boat. On this particular day, those mighty creatures once again showed up in all their glory. At first, I saw out of the corner of my eye something large jumping into the water. My thought was, is there someone else out here traipsing through the mango trees on the Great Calusa Blueway in the Gulf like us? But then we saw it. That dark fin sticking out of the water. Shark? For a second,I thought just that. Then to our surprise 2 dolphins circled around us. Now my boat's name is pronounced Flipper, but spelled "Flip-Her" on the decal. Always seemed funny, but not so much at that moment. Hesitant at first, my reluctance vanished as I heard the echo of my voice saying to Dan, "Let's follow them"! Say What?? lol But follow we did until Dan said he had enough. Those dolphins took us out of the mango trees and way out into the gulf. Needless to say, riding the waves while following those dolphins was a highlight of that particular day. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Love cannot be an elusive dream.  We touch it, embrace it, savor it.  It is an obtainable reality when one lets it be.  Love sits there waiting to be caught.  It embraces the soul while lifting the heart to a lightness of freedom.  It shows no boundaries.  Love exemplifies kindness... illuminates strength.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fresh and Bright

  Sometimes we wait for the best possible time for decisive moments to arrive, and sometimes we just wait for the snow. :)  How I loved this day when all seemed fresh and bright.
I had sat here in the south a couple weeks ago as excitement and pictures flew my way from those back home of more snow than one could ask for.  Thoughts of cross country skiing dangled in a bubble above my head while reality and pure jealousy brought it crashing down. But, as the pictures continued, I sensed a change in the air.  Could it in Georgia?  At the first sight of snow I was out the door catching them on my tongue.  By evening and 4 inches later, I was fully garbed in my snow gear feeling exhilarated and throwing snowballs.   While sled riding down the back hill and loving the cool blast on my cheeks, I a girl.   :)  Over and over I went down that hill and convinced myself that with patience, some things which seem impossible, actually do happen.  It might not be the record snow fall of the north, but snow in Georgia?  Of Course! 

Sunday, February 28, 2010


The moments that change us are the moments that define our love. Love that stays deeply rooted and unreachable by others . It is weightless time in a confined space.