Friday, April 16, 2010


Tucked in the northern mountains of Georgia off the Appalachian Trail, there is a little German town called Helen.  I arrived at this town a couple weeks ago by foot after hiking four miles down the mountain from camp.  To my surprise there was a pub called Old Heidelberg.
Having been raised in a little borough called Heidelberg, I found myself heading towards this place. That very sign brought back thoughts of how I made hard choices long ago to get myself out of that little old Heidelberg town.  I wanted change and challenges and I had definitely found both, sometimes willingly sometimes not.
But as I walked through the door with a smile on my face, I knew some things don't change when a mere name takes you back to the good ole days.  Days and people that I could never forget that left an imprint on my life.
After ordering some red wine and raising my glass to the place, I found my way back to the path and up the mountain.  Of course that smile was still there.  :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


lend me your eyes
I will change what you see

Monday, April 5, 2010

What we notice

The perfect egg. Or not?  It looks nice in color, shape, and is photogenic.  It acquired it's color outside amongst the birds chirping in the trees while surrounded by the warmth of spring air.  But looking at the egg at that moment as I grabbed my camera, a chuckle went through my head.  What I saw was the caption on the mug.  It was dug out of the cupboard to be used for this project and hasn't held liquid in quite awhile.  Little does the picture show that those eggs were forgotten on the stove and boiled beyond done.  The egg white showed itself as brown instead of bright white.  Yes, they burned.  Who does that?  Didn't even know you COULD do that! Sure we can still dye them, who would know?!  As the wire rack sat on the table with eggs, spoons and willing participants, I heard the tea pot whistle.  "Waters ready" I exclaimed.  Gingerly going inside, I rummaged through my pantry for vinegar.  No vinegar?!  Ugh  Then I spotted the white wine cooking vinegar.  Could it work I thought?  Who would know!  
It was at that moment the chuckle began rising inside of me as I heard "what's that smell?".  :)