Wednesday, May 26, 2004





How ingenious is this?

It's that time of the year again for watermelons and I thought this article would help all those , who like me,  have a watermellon every week in the fridge during season.  I always say that there is a solution to every problem.  This is one of them!  



Anonymous said...

That is very cool!  Japan seems to be so far ahead of us in the simplest things!  I can only imagine the ease that this would create in my fridge during this season!


Anonymous said...

Very clever!

Anonymous said...

different strokes for different folks

Anonymous said...

wow never seen a square melon before....i want one...

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your journal and I am I ever glad I did!  Great journal and pics!  Visit me at:  Robin's Nest

Anonymous said...

That's so cool. I showed my mother-in-law and she was like, "Well, growing up we grew cucumbers in Coke bottles and then pickled them, so we had Coke shaped Pickles!" Her family is crazy enough that I believe her!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! What will the Japanese think of next? I imagine they are hard to grow in tempered glass! : ) Cool!