Saturday, May 8, 2004

Indian Festival















Daniel and I went to the Indian Festival yesterday with his class and had a nice time.  They had demonstrations of how the Indians survived back in the day with dress, food and livestock.  We both tried the bow and arrow and I was surprised how powerful the bow really is.  I did hit the target once.  I would have to say I would be pretty dangerous using that kind of weapon!  lol


Anonymous said...

What a COOL thing to do...and SO much to learn. I've always admired the American Indian because of thier harmony and respect for nature and the natural world. I STILL think we have a LOT to learn from them about living in the modern world today. The world would be a better place if we kept life as simple as possible. Thanks for sharing the day!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures to keep for a memory of a fun day!

Anonymous said...

My brother got a bow and arrow set for his birthday. I was very surprised how strong they are! He loves showing me how good he has gotten at aiming. I even got him a couple of bales of hay to use as backdrops for his targets. Coke cans are his favorite target.