Thursday, May 20, 2004


One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I've been spending the past week putting up strawberry jam preserves and strawberry toppings for ice-cream, cakes etc.  The sweet taste of the strawberries will please anyone's palate.  There is something with seeing the end result that satisfies even the sense of sight let alone the taste.  I have one more day of canning these strawberries, then it's off to some other task.  Lucky me, I get to taste as I go along.   :)


Anonymous said...

omg yummyyy...i want some........strawberries are late bloomers this year here...but i cant wait now.........mmmm on warm fresh baked bread.....mmm gotta have some.
Thanks for making me have a craving!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks Great!!

Anonymous said...

You really inspire! Yea! : ) You're so unique! What are you doing next?

Anonymous said...

Ok, so stay away from stock investing because you are Martha Stewart!

Anonymous said...


Somehow or another I found myself at your journal a few weeks ago.  I now have it on "my alerts" so I am informed when you post a new entry.  I have to say that you live the kind of life I would LOVE to live......I envy you!  Enjoy every day!

May happiness always be at your doorstep,

Renae =0)

Anonymous said...

Carol, the strawberries bring back wonderful memories, my mom's family always had fields of strawberries, my aunts would sit out with the ice cream churns and they would make homemade strawberry ice cream.  I always loved sitting out with them in the fields, people would stop and buy ice cream.  It's always been my favorite ice cream.

Anonymous said...

This looks yummy in an old fashioned way...Brings back memories of picking and canning.  Love the quote.  gloria

Anonymous said...

I wish I could come over and have a taste with you. It all looks so delicious and I imagine I know how happy you are about making the jam... its such a good feeling to have it stored away for whenever you want a taste. Nice job!!!!!