Wednesday, August 18, 2004




There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.
-- Willa Cather, The Song of the Lark, 1915






Sometimes solitude does wonders for my well being.  It opens my spirit and forces me to look inside for external solutions.  On this particular morning, the smoothness of the water and the quiet in the air let me do just that.  I spent a couple of hours alone just gliding thru the stillness while others were tucked away in their dreams.  My surroundings were intoxicating as I waited for the sun to present itself in all it's beauty.  It was a great start to my day and I felt a clearness appear in my thoughts and a calmness in my heart. 
I loved this time alone......but........ why is it that other times solitude can have me run as fast as I can in the opposite direction?


Anonymous said...

yet another heartleap into the throat.  

I love dawn in the cool of morning on a still lake.  perfect.

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed this entry, I'm home visiting my family, I have a nephew coming into the world sometime today, my family is not the quietest of families and every time I come home, I wonder where I got my love of quiet times.  Seems in all the goings on, I still enjoy my quiet times, but I do have to step away from things to do that.  I remember when I left home at 17 how happy I was to be on my own, and how much I enjoyed the quiet.


Anonymous said...

Here I am back at this mesmerizing photo again.  This one's next in Interactive Haiku, if you'll agree.  Just love this.