Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Book Club

  "I was, I realized, terrified of what was going on inside him, his monkness, the power of what had brought him to the abbey.  If we were going to be together-and I wanted this now with something close to desperation-he would have to want it, too, in the same way he'd wanted God, and I didn't know if I could compete with that. " 
 The Mermaid Chair  - Sue Monk Kidd  


The mermaid chair was this month's selection to read in our book club.  It was quite the discussion last night.  I enjoyed this book,  it's symbolism and deep thoughts that the characters displayed.  It inspired an earlier entry the other day in my journal that seems untouchable because of subject matter.  Are we too afraid of true thoughts and feelings?  This book was of a lady in  midlife who questions her conventional life with her husband and falls in love with a monk who is soon to take his final vows.   She is pulled in love between a newness and excitement and the ordinary life that she has made for herself.  Losing her "self" throughout her 20 years of marriage inspires her yearning for a true soul mate.   

 Life can illuminates a woman's self-awakening if sometimes we forge straight on.  This book is one that I would definitely recommend. 

"But, I don't know what my cross is.  Is it doing without her now that I've loved her?  Or is it doing without the abbey?  Or is it the peculiar agony of being spiritual and human at the same time. " 
The Mermaid Chair  - Sue Monk Kidd


Anonymous said...

sounds like a good one, I sometimes ponder on this myself, am I being my true self?  


Anonymous said...

This sounds good!