"If your afraid of everyone leaving you, what do you do?"
"Make them stay"
"And if you can't do that, or don't know how to?"
You leave first, so you don't have to watch them walk away."
"Just because you love someone doesn't mean the Lord has it in His plan for you to be together."
PLAIN TRUTH by Jodi Picoult
This was the latest book that I read and a good one I would say. The passages that I have here in my entry were ones that stood out to me . It kept my interest from beginning to end. I found myself engrossed in the characters and understanding each one and their reason for acting the way they did. The setting was the all familiar Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in Amish country. This story tells of the complex choices that the heart has to make. Choices that sometimes seem unlikely, but are heartfelt.
Now that is a book I will have to look into! Thanks for sharing! I love to read, and this seems right up my alley. I don't read a lot of fiction, mostly non-fiction, but when I do read fiction, it is somehting like this!
Carol-your Journal photos and writings are beautiful!!! _rr
What a beautiful entry, as usual.
beautiful entry, funny how each of your entries always seem to touch so close to my heart and what I'm feeling in life now.
Oh, I'd be so interested in reading that book! It sounds like I could use the wisdom. lol
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