Friday, December 10, 2004


Children's Healthcare of Atlanta:  Festival of Trees

Once again our holiday season kicked off at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.  Each year we volunteer at this event that benefits children's healthcare.  The many displays of trees, gingerbread houses, wreaths, specialty shops and children's activities are on grand display this week. 













This year we worked in the fishing booth. It  was so much fun seeing the kids surprised faces as they pulled out the "fish" that was on the hook.  They smiled when that fish was actually little toys put on the hook by the guys inside the booth. 


After the excitement of seeing beautifully adorned trees all around us, we came home to a fully decorated tree which Daniel had completed.  This jump started my efforts of getting all the lights hung outside and in.  I'm completed now with this task and feel ahead of the game.  I will have to say that our trees at home are just as beautiful as those at the festival. 


Anonymous said...

I love the topper on the tree, and I LOVE that gingerbread house!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh the fishing game! That's what I always signed up to do at our church Fall Festival. It was so much fun pulling pretending to be fish and then seeing the kids all smiles with their toys. You brought back a great memory.
